Real Estate Tokenization 2024 Guide: How to Tokenize Assets [+ Examples]

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Estimates for tokenized digital securities issued by 2030 range from $4 trillion to $5 trillion. One of the current trends in this area is the tokenization of real estate, which can address some major industry challenges. Such as asset liquidity, long transaction times, and investment accessibility. Starting real estate tokenization projects can be a great opportunity to enter a growing market.

Real estate tokenization offers businesses and investors stability and long-term returns. Which is possible thanks to fractional ownership and increased liquidity. Dive into our 2024 guide to learn more about the concept. Explore real-world examples, and learn how the tokenization of real estate assets works.

What is Real Estate Tokenization?

Tokenization of real estate is the process of representing tangible real estate assets like properties and land in a form of digital crypto tokens on blockchain networks. Each digital token represents a property share enabling fractional ownership and readability.

Unlike traditional real estate investments, tokens offer enhanced liquidity and accessibility. Due to fractional ownership and digital transactions. Also, it gives access to a larger pool of potential buyers and sellers worldwide.

What is the Role of Blockchain in the Process of Real Estate Tokenization?

Blockchain technology is used to convert physical property assets into digital crypto tokens. That can be easily sold, bought, or traded. These tokens are similar to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The main difference is that real estate tokens are tied to the value of real physical assets. Real estate tokenization with cryptocurrency helps divide the property into smaller units. Which makes it more affordable and lowers the barrier to entry.

What is the Role of Blockchain in the Process of Real Estate Tokenization?

To protect ownership rights, each ownership fraction is converted into a token and encrypted. Then, ownership can be transferred between investors on online securities marketplaces almost instantly.

For example, Aspen Coins – digital tokens representing a portion of the St. Regis Aspen Resort in Colorado, USA, raised approximately $18 million through one of the first successful security token offerings (STOs) in the commercial real estate space. It was one of the first precedents to lay out the future for real estate tokenization.

Contract details are defined through the use of smart contracts. When a predetermined contract condition is met, the algorithm triggers the events specified in the code.

For instance, a smart contract can divide rental income among token holders. Additionally, it can verify financial transactions and update the blockchain ledger. This lowers operating expenses and guarantees an open transfer of funds.

How Does Real Estate Asset Tokenization Work?

How Does Real Estate Asset Tokenization Work?

Real estate tokenization involves several steps:

  1. Identify and value the assets: First, identify the real estate assets you want to tokenize. Determine their market value. These assets can include residential properties, commercial buildings, land, or any other property.
  2. Comply with laws and regulations: Once you’ve selected your assets, it’s time to take care of legal and regulatory compliance. This includes ensuring that local laws and regulations are followed.
  3. Stakeholder identification: Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including property owners, investors, and technology providers.
  4. Smart contract development: Smart contracts are applications stored and operating on a blockchain network. These contracts specify every aspect of the tokenized asset, including voting rights, dividend payments, and ownership. Smart contracts can execute agreements without the help of intermediaries.
  5. Token Distribution: Using a secure platform, tokens are issued and distributed to investors. Each token gives investors their share of ownership and is backed by real estate.
  6. Asset Management: By monitoring all asset-related transactions, blockchain technology ensures security and transparency. This includes handling maintenance, providing returns to token holders, and collecting rent.

Advantages of Real Estate Tokenization

Benefits from the tokenization of real-world assets are changing the face of real estate investment. Here are some of the key benefits:

Advantages of Real Estate Tokenization

Improved liquidity

It can take months or even years to sell traditional real estate investments due to their illiquid nature. Tokenized real estate allows investors to buy and sell real estate shares faster. Which increases the liquidity of real estate.

Fractional ownership

Property tokenization allows investors to own a portion of a highly valued property. Since they can purchase smaller shares of real estate assets. This allows them to diversify their holdings across multiple properties. It also makes it easier for more people to enter the real estate investment market.

International accessibility

Real estate investors from around the world can now participate in real estate markets using blockchain technology. Tokenization of assets removes geographic restrictions and thus increases the market size. Cross-border transactions are facilitated because there’s no need for currency conversions.

Security and Transparency

Blockchain technology ensures transparency and security in real estate transactions. A decentralized ledger provides an impenetrable history of ownership and transactions. As a result, there is a reduced chance of fraud and more investor confidence.

Transaction efficiency

Elimination of the middleman in digital transactions means less paperwork, less expenses, and less processing time. In this way, tokenization makes it easier to buy, sell, and manage real estate assets.

Tokenized real estate allows investors to diversify portfolios. Since they can invest in properties across various asset classes and locations. This can lower risk while also raising returns.

Higher accessibility

Tokenization makes high-quality real estate assets more accessible to small-scale or retail investors. For example, institutional-grade real estate investments used to be available only to large institutional investors. Now, retail investors can also access them through tokenization.

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Challenges of Real Estate Tokenization

One potential way to improve the real estate market’s accessibility, efficiency, and liquidity is to tokenize real estate assets. It does, however, also present a unique set of technical difficulties. These are a few of the well-known ones:

Regulatory Uncertainty

Navigating the complex regulatory environment is one of the main barriers to tokenizing real estate assets. Regulations governing financial transactions, real estate ownership, and securities offerings vary between jurisdictions.
It is essential to comply with regulations. Including Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.

Interoperability and Standards

Interoperability and standards are key to enabling seamless communication between blockchain networks. The lack of standardized procedures and formats hinders integration with existing financial systems. Establishing industry-wide standards and protocols is critical to streamlining integration and increasing interoperability.

Wallet Recovery

Ensuring secure wallet recovery is critical for real estate tokenization. Loss of assets can be irreversible if private keys are lost. Traditional techniques such as multi-signature schemes provide some protection, although they are not scalable.

Smart contract-based recovery and decentralized identity systems improve security and usability. Strong recovery procedures increase user confidence and reduce the possibility of asset loss. Also, they encourage wider use of digital asset management software for tokenizing real estate.

Implementation at Scale

Blockchain networks must be able to manage large volumes of transactions. Process asset transfers in real-time, and remain reliable under a range of load conditions. Existing platforms can’t scale due to high fees and network congestion. These issues can be addressed using sidechains, sharding, and layer 2 protocols. As they can facilitate the future growth of tokenized real estate markets.

Make real estate assets more liquid and reliable through tokenization.

Tips to Increase Profits: Real Estate Tokenization Strategies

Real estate tokenization offers several ways to make money. Here are a few options:

  • Rental Income: When the property is rented out, token holders earn their share of the rental income. Property appreciation: As the value of the property increases over time, so does the value of the tokens. You can make a profit by selling your tokens for more than you bought them.
  • Commercial use: Real estate can be used for commercial purposes, such as offices, stores, or warehouses. The income from these uses is shared among the token owners.
  • Development projects: Tokenized properties can be part of development projects. Such as renovating an old building or building new facilities. Investors will share in the profits from the sale or lease of these improved properties.
  • Profit sharing from operations: For properties such as hotels or resorts, revenues from operating activities (such as room rental, events and services) are shared between token holders.
  • Special events and services: Some properties might host special events or conferences. Provide services that generate additional revenue. These revenues are also shared with token holders.

Tokenization makes real estate an adaptable and potentially profitable investment. By expanding the sources of income a property can generate for its owners.

Examples of Real Estate Tokenization Projects

The real estate asset tokenization market is still developing. But there are already some companies that are worth mentioning. We want to show these real estate tokenization platforms as a reference to what you can create as well.


RealT offers tokenized residential properties in the United States. They allow global investors to purchase fractional interests in these properties. Investors benefit by receiving rental income proportional to their holdings. This democratizes access to the U.S. real estate market. The platform allows investors to diversify their portfolios and reduce risks.


Propy is a pioneer in the real estate tokenization industry. They eliminate the need for middlemen. Enable faster and more affordable transactions by merging digital transactions, smart contracts, and property listings.
Online users can view properties, transfer ownership, and complete end-to-end real estate transactions. This strategy makes it easier for more people to participate in the market.


HoneyBricks is an online platform that allows investors to invest in multifamily real estate. They offer low fees and lower investment minimums. Along with fractional ownership in institutional quality, pre-screened properties. They focus on monthly cash flow, capital growth and liquidity. The platform aims to eliminate the need for direct property management. They want to make real estate investing more approachable and accessible. To simplify investing, HoneyBricks works with experienced investment managers and leverages technology.

Future of Tokenized Real Estate

The future of tokenized real estate looks promising. There’s a potential for increased adoption and innovation. As blockchain technology matures and regulatory frameworks become more defined, we can expect:

  • Improved liquidity and market efficiency. When interest rates are high, a 24-hour transaction can be very different from a one-hour transaction.
  • Increased accessibility for global investors. Not everyone can afford to invest in illiquid, high-end real estate. When it’s distributed in tokens, it’s easier to find multiple investors.
  • Increased security and transparency. The need for intermediaries is significantly reduced. Through increased automation, traceability, and the use of self-executing smart contracts. Every transaction is recorded in the blockchain ledger. Which ensures transparency and easy verification of all activities.
  • New property types and asset classes. Tokenization has a wide range of applications. From residential and commercial real estate to more specialized markets such as farmland or virtual real estate.
  • Connectivity to decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. This will make it possible to offer innovative financial products such as token stakes and loans backed by real estate.

Unicsoft Tokenization Expertise

Unicsoft has extensive experience in the blockchain industry. With dozens of completed projects, including RWA tokenization. We also have 19 years of experience in the software development industry.
Thanks to our tech background and waste experience we can plan, execute, and calculate risks for any blockchain project. We’d be happy to take on your asset tokenization project from collectables to real estate.

Let’s take a look at some of the tokenization projects we’ve completed in the past:

Carbon Credits Trading Platform

Multiple countries have laws that limit the carbon emissions a company can produce. Some companies can’t reduce their emissions to the required level, while others do not reach the limit and have excessive carbon credits.

That’s where our solution comes in – a blockchain-driven carbon credits marketplace. It allows companies that need higher limits to purchase additional credits to comply with local laws. While companies that have excess gain an additional revenue stream by selling the credits they don’t need. It’s a win-win situation for both.

The solution we developed enables individuals and institutions to market, trade, and tokenize carbon Verified Carbon Offset (VCO) credits in a transparent and secure manner. Once the credits are issued on the platform as NFTs, individuals can seamlessly trade carbon credits within minutes. These NFTs are backed by real, verified carbon credits.

Self-custodial Web3 Wallet For Tokenized Assets Management

AlphaWallet is an Ethereum-based application for people to manage their tokenized assets: sell, transfer, collateralize or share them. Both fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

It is the most popular fully open-source Ethereum wallet on iOS and Android platforms. With more than 600 forks used by both small and large projects. Businesses can customize AlphaWallet’s white-label solution. It supports the demand for different tokens (even those that don’t comply with the ERC standard).

Next Steps

Real estate tokenization is revolutionizing the way investors have access to and manage real estate assets. Tokenization offers increased liquidity, fractional ownership and improved transparency through the use of blockchain technology.

Unicsoft provides expert guidance and solutions for real estate companies and investors. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you understand how to tokenize real estate.


How Does Real Estate Tokenization Work?

Real estate tokenization involves converting ownership rights in a property into digital tokens on a blockchain. These tokens represent fractional shares of the asset, allowing for easy buying, selling, and management.

How Is Real Estate Tokenization Different from REITs?

While both tokenization and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer fractional ownership of real estate, tokenization provides greater liquidity and accessibility through blockchain technology. Tokens can be traded on secondary markets, unlike REIT shares.

How Do You Tokenize Commercial Real Estate?

Tokenizing commercial real estate involves conducting a feasibility study, ensuring legal compliance, developing a smart contract, issuing tokens, and managing the asset through a secure platform.

Can Unicsoft Tokenize Assets for My Real Estate Company?

Yes, Unicsoft specializes in the tokenization of real estate assets. We offer comprehensive services. Including feasibility studies, legal compliance, smart contract development, and asset management.
By embracing real estate tokenization, investors and companies can unlock new opportunities and drive the future of property investment. Contact us today to learn more.