EU AI Act Scanner

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    Technology you use *
    How the system is used *

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      People & Planet

      Economic Context

      Data & Input

      AI Model

      Task & Output

      Area 1 / 5

      Who are users of your AI system?

      How much does your AI system impact different parts of the economy?

      How easy is it for users to opt out or challenge decisions made by the system?

      How much does the system's output impact fundamental human rights and democratic principles?

      What impact does the system have on personal well-being, social norms, and environmental sustainability?

      What is a displacement potential of the system? What number of tasks that are or were executed by humans can be automated?

      Select option *
      Expert practitioners with extremely high competency.
      Professionals with high competency.
      Professionals with standard competency using the system on an ad-hoc basis.
      Amateurs with low competency.
      Novices or complete beginners with very low competency.
      Very insignificantly: limited or no impact.
      Insignificantly: small number of sectors impacted.
      Modest number of sectors impacted.
      Significantly: majority of the sectors impacted.
      Very significantly: all sectors impacted.
      Very poor
      Very limited impact
      Limited impact
      Moderate impact
      High impact
      Very high impact
      Extensive impact
      Notable impact
      Indifferent impact
      Limited impact
      Extremely limited or no impact
      Very low: system can't automate an extremely high number of tasks.
      Low: system can't automate a large number of tasks.
      Moderate: system can automate a reasonable number of tasks.
      High: system can automate a large number of tasks.
      Very high: system can automate an extremely high number of tasks.
      Question 1 / 6

      How many industrial sectors is the system deployed in?

      How many different business areas does your AI system currently operate in? (e.g., marketing, customer service, operations, etc.)

      How often the system is used for both for-profit and non-for-profit purposes?

      What is the impact of a system failure or disruption on critical services? (Consider scenarios where failures could result in minor disruptions or major service outages).

      What's the scale of system deployment across the business?

      How would you identify Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the system?

      Select option *
      System deployed in =>10 industrial sectors.
      System deployed in 8-9 industrial sectors.
      System deployed in 6-7 industrial sectors.
      System deployed in 3-5 industrial sectors.
      System deployed in =<2 industrial sectors.
      2 or more
      3 or more
      4 or more
      all possible
      Rarely used for either non-critical for-profit and non-for-profit purposes.
      Infrequently used for both non-critical for-profit and non-for-profit purposes.
      Generally used for both for-profit and non-for-profit purposes.
      Frequently used for both critical for-profit and non-for-profit purposes.
      Very frequently used for both critical for-profit and non-for-profit purposes.
      Extremely limited affect
      Limited affect
      Moderate affect
      Large affect
      Critical affect
      Very broad
      Very limited
      TRL 8 or higher
      TRL 6 - TRL 7
      TRL 4 - TRL 5
      TRL 2 - TRL 3
      TRL 1
      Question 1 / 6

      Which method of data collection prevails: automated or human?

      Who provides more data, experts or amateurs?

      How dynamic and how effectively does your system update or react to new data inputs? (e.g., does your AI system adapt instantly to changes in user data, or does it require manual updates?)

      What are the data's proprietary rights?

      How much the data in your AI solutions is anonymized? When collecting user data for analysis, do you remove or alter personal identifiers so data can't be linked to individual users?

      How would you rate the clarity, accuracy and diversity of your data? e.g., it's easy to understand, accurately represents the intended population or phenomena, etc.

      How would you describe structure of the data and input?

      How standardised is your data?

      How widely is the system used throughout the organisation?

      Select option *
      Very large amounts of data collected by automated means.
      Large amounts of data collected by automated means.
      Mixture of data collected by both automated and human means.
      Large amounts of data collected by human means.
      Very large amounts of data collected by human means.
      Very large amounts of data provided by experts.
      Large amounts of data provided by experts.
      Mixture of data provided by both experts and amateurs.
      Large amounts of data provided by non-experts/amateurs.
      Very large amounts of data provided by non-experts/amateurs.
      Highly dynamic and responsive to input.
      Fairly dynamic and responsive to input.
      Both dynamic and static with varying levels of responsive to input.
      Fairly static and unresponsive to input.
      Highly static and unresponsive to input.
      Largely proprietary, not public or personal.
      Mostly proprietary, not public or personal.
      Balanced mixture of proprietary, public or personal sources.
      Mostly public or personal, not proprietary.
      Largely public or personal, not proprietary.
      Very high levels of data are anonymised.
      High levels of data are anonymised.
      Data is a mixture of anonymised and not anonymised input.
      High levels of data are not anonymised.
      Very high levels of data are not anonymised.
      Very clear, highly representative and extremely diverse.
      Clear, representative and diverse.
      Balance measure of being clear, representative and diverse.
      Unclear, unrepresentative and undiverse.
      Very unclear, highly unrepresentative and extremely undiverse.
      Highly structured and inputs are from very reliable sources.
      Structured and inputs are from reliable sources.
      Reasonably structured and inputs are from a mixture of reliable/unreliable sources.
      Unstructured and inputs are from unreliable sources.
      Highly unstructured and inputs are from very unreliable sources.
      Largely standardised
      Mostly standardised
      Reasonable balance of standardised and non-standardised sets
      Mostly non-standardised
      Largely non-standardised
      Very small
      Very large
      Question 1 / 9

      What level of information about the underlying model of the AI system is publicly available or published? Is there detailed documentation on how the model handles data?

      What type of AI model is it, and how much does it rely on data compared to human-generated rules with a low reliance?

      What is the management model of the system?

      Is the model generative or discriminative? Does your AI model primarily generate new data (texts, images, etc.) or distinguish between data categories?

      How many models is the system comprised of?

      What is the ability of the system to learn from human-written rules, data, supervised learning, and other sources?

      How does the model improve and adapt to real data? For example, does it refine its decisions or accuracy by learning from new data it encounters during operation?

      What is the ability of the system to be trained centrally, in a number of local servers, edge devices and/or other training sources?

      How flexible is your AI model with different types of data? For example, can it be easily adjusted for use in different industries or situations, or is it optimized for specific datasets you own?

      How can the model be used deterministically and probabilistically? Deterministic use follows strict rules for specific outcomes, while probabilistic use involves predictions based on probabilities.

      How clear and transparent is the information, enabling users to understand model outputs?

      Select option *
      Very high
      Very low
      Highly statistical and hybrid: very high degree of reliance on data with a low level of reliance on human-generated rules.
      Fairly statistical: high degree of reliance on data.
      Hybrid: mixed reliance on data and human-generated rules.
      Fairly symbolic: high degree of reliance on human-generated rules.
      Highly symbolic and hybrid: very high degree of reliance on human-generated rules with a low level of reliance on data.
      Both proprietary and self-managed.
      Either proprietary or self-managed.
      Balanced level of management across proprietary/self-managed and open-source/third-party-managed.
      Either open-source or third-party-managed.
      Both open-source and third-party-managed.
      Highly generative
      Fairly generative
      Moderate mix of being both generative and discriminative
      Fairly discriminative
      Highly discriminative
      1 single model
      2 or more interlinked models
      3 or more interlinked models
      4 or more interlinked models
      5 or more interlinked models
      Extremely strong
      No ability
      Continuously evolves
      Highly evolves
      Moderately evolves
      Slightly evolves
      Not evolve
      Very good
      No ability
      Not very
      Not at all
      Either probabilistically or deterministically, but the latter is a stronger use case.
      Deterministically as a strong use case.
      Either probabilistically or deterministically.
      Only either probabilistically or deterministically.
      Not either probabilistically or deterministically.
      Very clear and extremely transparent
      Clear and transparent
      Balanced mix of being clear and transparent
      Unclear and untransparent
      Very unclear and extremely untransparent
      Question 1 / 11

      What number and what types of tasks does the system perform?

      What is the system's ability to combine tasks and actions into composite systems?

      What is the level of system independence and autonomy?

      To how many core application areas does the system belong?

      How many standards do you use to measure the performance of your AI system? For example, do you follow well-known benchmarks or guidelines to evaluate performance?

      Select option *
      Very high number of non-critical tasks.
      High number of non-critical tasks.
      System performs a mixture of both critical and non-critical tasks.
      System performs a high number of critical tasks.
      System performs a very high number of critical tasks.
      Very high
      Very low
      Extremely independent with a high degree of autonomy
      Highly independent with a fair degree of autonomy
      Fairly independent with a mixed degree of autonomy
      Highly dependent with a fair degree of autonomy
      Extremely dependent with a low degree of autonomy
      2 or more
      3 or more
      4 or more
      5 or more
      Very high number
      High number
      Modest number
      Low number
      Question 1 / 5
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