Mobile hyper-personalization empowered by AI on the edge device

Our data science experts contributed to the development of a Mobile engagement platform that applies AI algorithms to provide real-world user insights, advanced customer engagement and personalization.

The Customer

Our client is a fast-growing product company with offices in Tel Aviv and New York. The company pioneered on-device artificial intelligence solutions that help businesses provide hyper-personalized customer experience and leverage insightful user data for better decision-making.


We started our long-term cooperation 7 years ago on a small project. But the proficiency of our Artificial Intelligence engineers and data scientists proved our client to take the partnership a step further by involving Unicsoft in the company's core product development with a strict demand of:

A full-fledged approach to an artificial intelligence project covering all stages: data preparation, extracting business value from data, data clustering, feature modeling and evaluation, model optimization.

High quality of artificial development services, together with transparent processes and effective team communication

High-level engineering mindset to make reasoned decisions on matching business needs with applied technologies

Solid project documentation for the product to be integrated by other development teams

ā€œNinjaā€ engineers who possess knowledge of over 40 programming languages and technologies.

With a high demand for AI solutions on the market, it is often difficult for companies to instantly find an AI solution development partner that can meet their needs and not just speculate on the latest trends.


For years, our cooperation with the customer has been based around different AI products and proofs of concept (PoCs), all of which constituted the client's core product - Mobile Engagement platform that pioneers on-device artificial intelligence (Edge-AI).
Mobile Engagement Platform

The product turns mobile phones into personal data engines, all while carefully protecting each userā€™s privacy. Itā€™s an on-handset artificial intelligence engine that collects and uses data from a handheld deviceā€™s sensors to build an on-device user profile.

By gathering and analyzing user behavior collected by the smartphoneā€™s built-in sensors, the technology understands the userā€™s location, activity and more, enabling prediction of future movements, and offering up contextual services that improve the user experience. The platform allows to engage with specific segments of customers in the moments that are the most appropriate for them to complete transaction or make some action.

Mobile SDK

A key element of the developed platform is a Mobile Engagement SDK (software development toolkit), that integrates easily with any iOS or Android app. It applies artificial intelligence to analyze first party data from oneā€™s mobile, build a person’s profile and predict his future actions.

SDK helps not only to create personalized and well-targeted engagement campaigns, but also trigger them in the most relevant moments.

Edge AI Technology

The solution is based upon Edge AI technology that is capable of turning 87 device signals into hundreds of first party insights. Edge AI provides personalized customer experience without infringing on usersā€™ privacy or breaking regulations on safe data practices. With Edge AI, all personal data stays on the device.

Unicsoft Data Science Solutions

Points of Interest research

Points of Interest research:

the task was to specify points on a map with maximum density and based on particular requirements for peopleā€™s attributes.

Clustering the installed applications

Clustering the installed applications:

given the set of data comprising records on installed applications, Unicsoft was challenged to extract business value by collecting information concerning these applicationsā€™ users.

3D visualization

3D visualization:

after collecting the initial data on the density of people on different floors of buildings, the main challenge was to draw up a model of this building in 3D that would show the distribution of people within it.

Sensor data tracking

Sensor data tracking:

we needed to define which particular activities was performed by users, as well as extract some additional features from data. Following data preparation and research, Unicsoft came up with a model that resulted in greater than 90% accuracy.

Parking navigator application

Parking navigator application:

we worked on the Android version of a real-time parking navigator for iPhone, that displays parking lots on the map, real-time parking occupancy, traffic information, and has an automatic car finder.

Points of Interest research:

the task was to specify points on a map with maximum density and based on particular requirements for peopleā€™s attributes.

Clustering the installed applications:

given the set of data comprising records on installed applications, Unicsoft was challenged to extract business value by collecting information concerning these applicationsā€™ users.

3D visualization:

after collecting the initial data on the density of people on different floors of buildings, the main challenge was to draw up a model of this building in 3D that would show the distribution of people within it.

Sensor data tracking:

we needed to define which particular activities was performed by users, as well as extract some additional features from data. Following data preparation and research, Unicsoft came up with a model that resulted in greater than 90% accuracy.

Parking navigator application:

we worked on the Android version of a real-time parking navigator for iPhone, that displays parking lots on the map, real-time parking occupancy, traffic information, and has an automatic car finder.

Technologies used to deliver products:

  • Java
  • Swift
  • Kafka
  • Cybernates
  • Python
  • BigQuery
  • React
  • Redux
  • Objective-C
  • Go
  • Spark
  • Athena

Our Expertise

Machine learning
Deep learning
Natural language processing
Big data
SalesForce consulting

The Result

We have made a big effort to contribute to the company's core product - a revolutionary solution that changes the paradigm of mobile engagement, from a model that creates tension between personalization and privacy to one that maximizes both.
One of the main elements that led to the mutual success of our cooperation was the fact that we treated each other as partners that hear and trust each other.
The best reward for our work is our ongoing cooperation. We keep receiving new requests for our expertise and deliver results on a regular basis.

Solution benefits for business

By engaging with your customers in real-time
By leveling up to device real-world personalization & segmentation
By increasing push deliverability
+30% retention
By identifying & targeting users at risk on day-1 of app installation
-20% Churn
By targeting all users with the same level of personalization
ā€œWe are happy with the services. We appreciate Unicsoft for the transparency - there is no business without issues but with Unicsoft, we always know what to expect. And this has helped us achieve success.ā€